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Prohibition to change employers for (im)migrant workers: A Constitutional challenge (30 min)

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Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier and DTMF-RHFW


"Can state restrictions of (im)migrant workers' right to change employers be justified in a free and democratic society ? Towards an answer by the Canadian judiciary."

Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier is president-CEO of the Association for the Rights of Household and Farm Workers (RHFW). She presents the current plan to challenge in court the constitutionality of the prohibition to change employers for various groups of temporary foreign workers.

Rapporteur: Marie Carpentier, legal counsel at the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse du Québec.

This special conference was held on April 28, 2022 in the context of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. It was organized by the Canada Research Chair in Global Migration Processes, the Partemp Project (Partnership on Temporary Workers in Employment) and the Centre de recherches Cultures-Arts-Sociétés (CELAT).

RHFW Association:
Research Chair in Global Migration Processes: https://dynamiques-migratoires.chaire...
Partemp Project: https://dynamiques-migratoires.chaire...

Length (Mins)



Université Laval


Geographical focuses

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Federal, Nova Scotia, and National relevance