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Report/Press release

Workshop Report on Pre-departure Briefing for Migrant Workers




The workshop was about labor migration, two adversarial facets depending on the departure preparation, migration phenomenon, stages of migration: focus on pre-departure, between decision-making and departure, different interventions, different actors, same goal, safe migration, pre-departure stage preparation, education and dissemination of information, main governmental actors involved in the pre-departure state of migration, presentation of the bureau of manpower, employment & training (BMET), activities of the BMET for the welfare of outgoing migrant workers, the pre-departure briefing of BMET, other NGO and private stakeholders, evaluation of the BMET pre-departure briefing, methodology, description of the BMET pre-departure briefing, organization, module curricula, content of the briefing, migrant workers interview, findings of the evaluation of the BMET briefing, the workshop on pre-departure briefing for migrant workers, program schedule, proceedings and recommendations.

Responsible institution

WARBE Development Foundation

Place published

Dhaka, Bangladesh



workshop, pre-departure preparation

Economic sectors

General relevance - all sectors

Content types

Policy analysis

Target groups

(Im)migrants workers, Public awareness, and Employers, agencies and their representatives

Geographical focuses


