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Open Work Permits Now! Permis de travail ouverts maintenant! Permiso de trabajo abierto ahora!

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2023.03.14, 2:27 PM translation missing: 12:00 AM


New campaign calls for Canada to abolish employer-specific work permits for migrant workers

The Campaign for Open Work Permits Now calls for the Canadian government to abolish the employer-specific work permit and issue open work permits to all migrant workers, regardless of national origin or occupation.

Coordinated by the Canadian Council for Refugees and led by its Migrant Worker Subcommittee, the campaign is calling for organisations from all sectors to support the demand for open work permits by endorsing the declaration.

Starting in September 2022, the campaign will raise awareness and support around the demand for open work permits for all migrant workers by launching a formal petition to the House of Commons, among other actions.

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Los sectores económicos

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Home child care providers, Transport truck drivers, Construction trades helpers and labourers, General farm workers, Nursery and greenhouse workers, Harvesting labourers, y Labourers in fish and seafood processing

Tipos de contenido

La política actual

Los grupos destinatarios

Legisladores, Periodistas, y ONG / grupos comunitarios / redes de solidaridad

Relevancia geográfica

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, Federal, Nueva Escocia, y National relevance


Francés, Inglés, y Español