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UFCW-Canada website

Registration for Online Migrant Workers Course

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2012.06.11 translation missing: 2012.06.18, 9:00 AM translation missing: 9:00 AM


A UFCW Canada Human Rights Department Release

 UFCW Canada's webCampus, the largest collection and delivery of online education by any union in North America is launching a new course entitled “Good Enough to Work Good Enough to Stay: Migrant Workers in Canada.” This course was created to educate UFCW Canada members and other webCampus registrants about the out-dated federal Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) and the human cost that continues to scar Canada’s reputation internationally. The course was put together based on academic research and the extensive knowledge of UFCW Canada. The union comes into face-to-face contact with more than 50,000 migrant workers annually - far more than any other organization in the country, including the federal government. As the country’s largest private-sector union, UFCW Canada has the highest percentage of membership of migrant workers in Canada.

"Social justice based courses such as these provide our membership with an extensive 'real world' understanding of the variety of barriers faced by socially and economically marginalized workers. But this course goes beyond just narrating a problem. It provides a roadmap for members and our community partners who use webCampus to mobilize with UFCW Canada in order to affect genuine change in both the near and long-term. That type of education is quite remarkable," says Naveen Mehta, Director of Human Rights and General Counsel for UFCW Canada, who provided much of the content for the course.

From this course, students will learn about the human rights that protect Canadians but not the over 300,000 migrant workers employed in Canada annually. The course also explores case studies of migrant workers and how many end up living as a Third World citizen of one of the richest nations in the world - Canada. From this course, you will learn how UFCW Canada and its allies can mobilize to make a difference in the lives of migrant workers in Canada.

Marv Funk, UFCW Canada Education Coordinator, was very excited to put this course together. "Not only are we utilizing technology to get a clear progressive message moving into the minds of the membership. Through webCampus, we are also able to do so efficiently while building a base of activists who can take these campaigns and make them their own."

webCampus is UFCW Canada’s groundbreaking, state-of-the-art, interactive online training and education resource. It is the largest online training available in the Canadian labour movement. webCampus provides UFCW Canada members and their families free access, 24 hours a day, with more than 100 courses to choose from. Courses are available in both English and French. Over the past several years, UFCW Canada has provided webCampus access to hundreds of migrant workers and newcomers to Canada free of charge based on the belief of an ongoing campaign that "Education Has No Borders."

Registration ends June 18 and the course will run until June 25. This course will be offered again in September.

For more information about the Good Enough to Work Good Enough to Stay course, please contact or visit our website at


UFCW Canada is Canada's largest private sector union with more than 250,000 members across the country working in almost every sector of the food industry from field to table. UFCW Canada in association with the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA) ( ) also operates ten agriculture workers support and advocacy centres across Canada, which have provided assistance to thousands of workers since the first centre opened its doors in 2002.

Les TUAC Canada figurent parmi les plus grands syndicats du secteur privé au Canada, représentant plus de 250 000 membres partout au pays qui oeuvrent dans presque tous les secteurs de l’industrie alimentaire allant des champs de culture à la table à manger. De concert avec l’Alliance des travailleurs agricoles (ATA) ( ), les TUAC Canada exploitent également dix centres de soutien et de défense pour travailleurs agricoles à travers le Canada, qui ont fourni de l’assistance à des milliers de travailleurs depuis l’ouverture du premier centre en 2002.

UFCW Canadá es el sindicato Canadiense más grande del sector privado con más de 250,000 miembros en todo el país trabajando en cada sector de la industria alimenticia desde el campo a la mesa. La UFCW Canadá en asociación con la Alianza para los Trabajadores Agrícolas (AWA) ( ) también opera diez centros de apoyo y de defensa a través de Canadá, los mismos que han proporcionado asistencia a decenas de miles de trabajadores desde que el primer centro abrió sus puertas en el año 2002.

List address:




UFCW-Canada website




Los sectores económicos

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers, y Otro

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas y Iniciativas de apoyo

Los grupos destinatarios

Trabajadores (in) migrantes, Los sindicatos, y ONG / grupos comunitarios / redes de solidaridad

Áreas de regulación

Derecho a cambiar de empleador, Derecho a elegir su lugar de residencia, Derecho a organizarse, Programas de integración para los recién llegados, El acceso a la condición de permanente, Las agencias de contratación y la inversión, Determinación de los salarios decentes y la escasez de mano de obra, y Criterios para la selección de los trabajadores migrantes (im)

Relevancia geográfica

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, Federal, y Nueva Escocia


Francés, Inglés, y Español