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Brief HUMA 2016 - Empirical data (state restrictions of fundamental rights)




Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier


Canada's policies resulting in the binding of a worker to a specific employer [hereafter "employer-tying policies"] currently take various forms. For example, indirect employer-tying policies are mostly based on state-imposed "debt to employer" (worker importation/sponsorship by employers or labor brokers, exclusion from access to newcomer integration programs, etc.) and/or legal/state sanction(s) - such as an additional delay and risk of deprivation of the right of unification with child/partner - if the worker quits the employer (or if the employer dies or releases the worker). Other examples of employer-tying policies include the federal imposition of 'binding work contract' under which the worker wave the right to work for another employer in the country, employment-based legal resident status, and employer/employment-dependent access to permanent legal status. Canada immigration laws incorporated at least 27 forms of employer-tying policies currently applied to specific groups of temporary foreign workers.

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Archivos adjuntos

Los sectores económicos

General relevance - all sectors

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas, Casos documentados de abuso, y La política actual

Los grupos destinatarios

Legisladores y Los investigadores

Relevancia geográfica

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, Federal, Nueva Escocia, y National relevance

