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Canada Announces New Rules on Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program





Texto completo

In order to facilitate immigration, the Alberta province announced new rules on Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP).

The changes focused on certain categories of workers intending to settle in the province, including Food Services Industry Pilot Project and Strategic Recruitment Category.

Accordingly, more allocations will be added to Food Services Industry Pilot Project from November 28th, 2013. Workers of Alberta employers who are eligible for the project may nominate up to 20% of their total workforce per restaurant location for immigration.

Post-Graduate Worker Category now becomes a part of Strategic Recruitment Category of the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program.

Under the new rules, international graduates working in Alberta may be eligible to apply for nomination without an employer-supported application if the individuals graduated from eligible Canadian institutions.

In addition, the eligible applicants must hold a valid post-graduation work permit, and their occupation must be considered either skilled or semi-skilled.

If you are interested in Immigration to Canada, contact Migration Expert for information and advice on which visa is best suited to you. You can also try our visa eligibility assessment to see if you are eligible to apply for a visa to Canada.

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Los sectores económicos

General relevance - all sectors

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas

Los grupos destinatarios

Periodistas, Conciencia Pública, y Los empleadores y las agencias de empleo

Relevancia geográfica

Alberta y Federal

Esferas de la actividad

Ciencias Políticas

