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Chapter 8: Immigration Status and the Legalization of Inequality




Harald Bauder y John Shields



Immigration, settlement, and integration are vital issues in the twenty-first century—they propel economic development, transform cities and towns, shape political debate, and challenge established national identities. This original collection provides the first comprehensive introduction to the contemporary immigrant experience in both the United States and Canada by exploring national, regional, and metropolitan contexts.

With essays by an interdisciplinary team of American and Canadian scholars, this volume explores major themes such as immigration policy; labour markets and the economy; gender; demographic and settlement patterns; health, well-being, and food security; education; and media. Each chapter includes instructive case examples, recommended further readings, links to web-based resources, and questions for critical thought.

Engaging and accessible, Immigrant Experiences in North America will appeal to students and instructors across the social sciences, including geography, political science, sociology, policy studies, and urban and regional planning.

Título del libro

Immigrant Experiences in North America : Understanding Settlement and Integration


Harald Bauder and John Shields

Archivos adjuntos


Los sectores económicos

General relevance - all sectors

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas

Los grupos destinatarios

Los investigadores

Relevancia geográfica

América del Norte, Canada, Estados Unidos, Ontario, Alberta, México, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, Federal, Nueva Escocia, Regional relevance, y National relevance

