- Fecha
- Autores
SaraR Curra, Filiz Garip, Chang Y Chung, y Kanchana Tangchonlatip
- Resumen
Employinglo ngitudinadl ataf rom Thailandt o replicatest udieso f cumulativec ausationw, e
extendc urrentk nowledgeb y measuringfr equencyo f trips,d urationo f time away,l evel of
networka ggregation( villageo r household),a nd sex compositiono f migrantn etworkst o
estimatea modelo fprospectivme igrationa mongm ena nd womeni n ThailandW. efindt hat
tripsa nd durationo f timea wayh aved istincti nfluenceus ponm igrationt;h ath ouseholdle vel
migrantn etworksa re more influentialt han village level migrantn etworks;t hatf emale
migrant networks and male migrant networks have different influences upon migration
outcomesa; nd, thatm igrants ocialc apitali nfluencems ena nd women'sm igrationd ifferently.
Our elaborationp rovidess ignificantq uantitativee videncea s to how gendera nd family
variouslyim buem igrationd ynamics.- Journal title
Social Forces
- Volumen
- Número
- Page numbers
- Editor
Oxford University Press
- Archivos adjuntos
- Conexiones
- Palabras clave
migration, Thailand, Social Capital
- Los sectores económicos
General relevance - all sectors
- Los grupos destinatarios
Los investigadores
- Relevancia geográfica
- Esferas de la actividad
Estudios en Género y Sexualidad
- Idiomas