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Migrant workers in Canada: A review of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. Policy Brief

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Maxwell Brem


This document summarizes and updates the main findings and recommendations from NSI’s 2003 project entitled Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program as a Model of Best Practices in Migrant Worker Participation in the Benefits of Economic Globalization undertaken by Senior Researcher Rudi Robinson. NSI thanks The Rockefeller Foundation, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Italy) and the Caribbean Development Bank for their financial support of that project.

Institución responsable

North-South Institute

Lugar de publicación


Archivos adjuntos


Los sectores económicos

Agriculture and horticulture workers

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas

Los grupos destinatarios

Legisladores, Los investigadores, Los sindicatos, y ONG / grupos comunitarios / redes de solidaridad

Relevancia geográfica

Federal y National relevance

Esferas de la actividad

Derecho y Ciencias Políticas


Francés y Inglés