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Temporary Foreign Workers Program in Canada Migrant Worker Priorities 2019




Syed Hussan


There are a number of issues of key concern to migrant workers and their support organizations across Canada at this moment. These include:
1. Employment and Social Development Canada proposals for an occupation specific work permit;
2. Interim Pathway for Caregivers, set to expire on June 4th, 2019;
3. Proposal for the creation of permanent residency pilot program for non-seasonal agricultural workers and a permanent residency program for Caregivers; and
4. Regulations for the creation of an Open Work Permit Program for temporary foreign workers at risk of abuse.
For migrant workers at the receiving end of these programs and proposals, these issues are interconnected. To engage in separate consultations on each matter, and only speak to a part of an issue rather than the whole further fragments the ability of migrant workers
to give meaningful input. For these reasons, we are submitting one document that addresses all four issues.


Migrant workers alliance

Archivos adjuntos


Los sectores económicos

General relevance - all sectors

Relevancia geográfica

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, Federal, Nueva Escocia, y National relevance

