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The Exploitation of Migrant Chinese Construction Workers in Singapore




This article presents some back group of Singapore relating to migrant workers. For example in Singapore, it is estimated that more than 85% of the construction workforce are foreign workers and they are mostly originating from China, India, Bangladesh and Thailand. The vast majority of migrant construction workers that come to Singapore often relay on unlicensed or poorly regulated recruitment agencies. Other rely on informal network of friends to help secure employment. It also highlights exploitation, abuse, and other human rights violations that migrant workers are facing. The results of the research finding shows that workers in the construction field top concerns are low wages, long working hours (more than ten hours per day), compulsory overtime work, poor living conditions and no assurance of employment once their existing work permits expire. Finally, the article provides recommendations for the improvement of the migrant workers’ welfare in Singapore.

Number of pages


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Palabras clave

Living Condition of Migrant workers in Singapore

Los sectores económicos

Construction trades helpers and labourers

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas, Casos documentados de abuso, y Estadísticas sobre el trabajo y las condiciones de vida

Los grupos destinatarios

Legisladores, Conciencia Pública, Los investigadores, y ONG / grupos comunitarios / redes de solidaridad

Relevancia geográfica

China, Bangladesh, India, Tailandia, y Regional relevance

Esferas de la actividad

Asistencia social

