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Détails de l’acteur


Impression et sauvegarde

Chercheur/équipe de recherche

Bernadette Stiell


Bernadette Stiell
Senior research fellow
Phone 0114 225 6063 
E-mail b.stiell@shu.ac.uk
Bernadette Stiell joined the Centre in January 2005. Her main research interests are around social inclusion, equality and diversity issues in relation to education and employment policy and practice.
Prior to this, Bernadette was a senior research officer in the Department of Education and Skills (DfES), gaining valuable experience in commissioning and managing a range of educational research projects. Before that, she was a researcher in the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University, conducting a number of social research projects focused on gender and employment, and care-related issues.
Her research has included
• evaluations of local authorities' Choice Advice service to parents applying for secondary school places for their Y6 children (Department for Children, Schools and Families [DCSF])
• research into the employment patterns and experiences of ethnic minority women (European Social Fund)
• research on combining unpaid caring and employment (funded by Carers UK)
• an investigation of the care of older people and care work as an occupation (European Social Research Council [ESRC]'s Future of Work programme)
• a study of Employment in Household Services (European Foundation, Dublin)
• evaluation of initiatives to enhance the employment prospects of lone parents (Employment Service)
• evaluating equality issues in grant-making practices (New Opportunities Fund [NOF])
• research into domiciliary care work among women from ethnic minorities in Toronto, Canada





Secteurs économiques

Occupations in services - Domestic work

Domaines de réglementation

Droit de changer d’employeur, Droit de choisir son lieu de résidence, Droit de se syndiquer, Normes du travail, Santé et sécurité au travail, Programmes d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants, Droit à l’égalité (genre), Droit à l’égalité (statut social), Droit à la liberté, Droit à la dignité et Droit à la vie privé

Pertinence géographique

Union européenne, Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral, Nouvelle-Écosse, Royaume-Uni, France, Italie, Espagne et Allemagne

Sphères d’activité

Économie, Études en genre et sexualité, Sciences de la santé, Gestion des ressources humaines et Science politique

