Détails de l’acteur

Impression et sauvegarde

Chercheur/équipe de recherche

Myer Siemiatycki


Myer Siemiatycki is a Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University, which he served as Chair from 1991 to 1996.

A member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies, Myer was the founding Director (2004-2008) of the Interdisciplinary MA program in Immigration and Settlement Studies. He received his B.A. from McGill University, his M.A. from University of Sussex (UK), and his Ph.D. from York University (Canada).

Most of Myer's teaching has been in three areas: courses on Local Government (PPA122), Labour Policy (PPA319) and Immigration Politics (POL129). His research interests typically explore intersections of immigration, urban and labour studies in Toronto.

Myer is a frequent media commentator on political matters. His career achievements include: Distinguished Educator Award, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (1992); Ryerson Popular Professor Citation, Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities (2003 thru 2006 inclusive): Research Domain Leader, the Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration & Settlement (2001-06), Ryerson University Faculty Service Award. Active in the Ryerson community, Myer has contributed to organizing such campus events as the Ryerson Union Fair, and Ryerson Holocaust Education Programming.





Secteurs économiques

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers et Autre

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles

Législateurs, Journalistes, Sensibilisation du public et Chercheurs

Domaines de réglementation

Accès à un statut permanent

Pertinence géographique


Sphères d’activité

Science politique

