Détails du document

Impression et sauvegarde


Temporary Foreign Workers Guidelines (FW) Manual - Chapter FW 2 Policy and Special considerations

Ce document est une ressource clé




Citizenship and immigration Canada


The document contains the framework of the policy regarding temporary foreign workers including the intent of the policy ("the objectives of the policy primarily focus on the economic benefits accruing to Canada by fulfilling a legitimate need of the Canadian labour market"), the general provisions, the need of validation by the Human Resource Centre Canada (HCRR, formerly CEC) and the exemptions of validation,the role of the HRCC and the role of the Visa and Immigration Officer. The document also contains descriptions of the Québec Program, the privacy legislation and the cost recovery.

Organisation émettrice

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Number of pages


Fichiers joints


legislation, foreign workers, Temporary workers, economy, humanitarian reasons, skills, HRCC

Secteurs économiques

General relevance - all sectors

Types de contenu

Current Policy

Pertinence géographique

Fédéral et National relevance


Français et Anglais