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In defense of public legal education and information (PLEI) for migrant workers in British Columbia




Angela Contreras-Chavez and RED Legal Network

File Attachments

Economic sectors

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers, Other, and General farm workers

Content types

Policy analysis and Support initiatives

Target groups

Policymakers, Journalists, Public awareness, Researchers, Unions, and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks

Regulation domains

Newcomers integration programs, Legal aid, and Right to proper information

Geographical focuses

British Columbia

Spheres of activity

Law, Management of human resources, and Political science

