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Six things you need to know about the new TFWP rules




Migrant Workers Alliance for Change


Migrant Workers Alliance for Change

Texte complet

On June 20th, 2014, the Federal Government announced a series of changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). We have prepared a guide for migrant workers and service providers that you can download below. Though exact regulations are yet to be announced, these changes mean that:

1. Migrant workers already in Canada, particularly in the retail and food sector, will have a much harder time changing jobs. With migrant workers already on closed work permits, changing jobs was never easy or even likely. Now its nearly impossible.

Are you or someone you know impacted by these changes, and and want to be part of the fightback? Get in touch with us!

2. With employers knowing that migrant workers are locked even further in to jobs, the door to abuse has been flung wide open.

3. Migrant workers already in Canada, and those arriving in the next few years have become even more temporary. Permits will now be issued for one year at a time, permits will be harder to renew, and the total length of time migrants can stay in the country is being reduced - though exactly by how much we don't know yet. This will force many to either self-deport or make the difficult decision to live in Canada without any immigration status.

3. The Federal government has decided to re-negotiate the Temporary Foreign Worker Agreements it holds with each province. This opens up space for advocacy, but could also result in greater surveillance and enforcement against migrant workers. If you are part of a provincial network, please get in touch with us so that we can strategize how to coordinate across the country.

4. The changes will continue and must be resisted. We have heard reports of possible changes to the Live-In Caregiver Program (LCP). The LCP is the only federal migrant worker program with a pathway to permanent residency. Its not perfect, but we cannot lose ground on access to permanent residency.

5. These changes will not result in greater or better jobs for citizens or migrants. There has been no doorway to permanent residency opened up for migrant workers in low-paying jobs. What we have seen is a mass exclusion of migrant workers and immigrants blamed for unemployment in a time of austerity. We need to change the channel, and insist that we are all affected, that we are in it together.
Download New TFWP Rules - July 2014
Some of our mainstream media response to the changes.
CTV Power Play Video
Vancouver Sun: Government unveils reforms to temporary foreign workers' program
Toronto Star: Business groups decry changes to the Foreign Workers Program.
Global TV: Temporary foreign workers program reforms: Winners and losers
National Post: Andrew Coyne: Hiring foreign workers in Canada is a crime, but outsourcing overseas is fine
The Star Phoenix: Sask. signals concerns over TFW
Canadian Press: What was said about government’s overhaul of temporary foreign workers program
Northumberland View: National News: Statements On Changes To Temporary Workers Program

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