- Description
Victor Piché is honorary professor at the department of demography of Université de Montréal, specialised in the field of international migration. For the last ten years, he has been interested in the links between international migration and globalisation, focussing on the rights of migrant workers. He has directed a study for UNESCO on the reasons why Canada refuses to ratify the UN Convention on the protection of the rights of migrants and members of their families.
He has carried out several surveys on migration in West Africa as well as in Quebec. His recent work on Africa focuses on international migration and regional integration.
Most of his research deals with the economic integration of migrants in Montreal as well as in major West African cities (Ouagadougou, Bamako and Dakar). He has recently completed a survey on remittances to Haiti of Haitians living in Montreal in collaboration with colleagues from York University (Toronto) who have carried out the same survey among Jamaicans. Finally, he was director of a Bill & Melinda Gates project which has developed a masters degree in population and health at the University of Ouagadougou.
Victor Piché was professor in the Department of Demography at the University of Montreal from 1972 to 2006. He was also senior advisor on international migration and human rights for Action Canada for Population and Development.
Recent publications :
PICHÉ, Victor. 2005. « Immigration, Globalization and Cultural Diversity: New Challenges for the 21st Century », Labor, Capital and Society/Travail, Capital et Société, 37, 1-2 : 210-233.
PICHÉ, Victor, Eugénie PELLETIER & Dina EPALE. 2006. Identification of obstacles to the ratification Of the UN Convention on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and memebers of their families : the Canadian case Paris : UNESCO (see UNESCO website).
PICHÉ, Victor. 2007. « Une politique canadienne discriminatoire », Relations, no. 720, oct.-nov.), p. 15-18.
OUÉDRAOGO, Dieudonné & Victor, PICHÉ (eds). 2007. Dynamique migratoire, insertion urbaine et environnement au Burkina Faso : Au-delà de la houe, Paris et Ouagadougou, L’Harmattan et Presses universitaires de Ouagadougou.
PICHÉ, Victor, Eugénie PELLETIER & Dina EPALE. 2008. “La Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des travailleurs migrants: la situation au Canada », Hommes et migrations, no 1271, janvier – février, p. 66-81.
Piché, Victor. 2008. « Les travailleurs migrants, nouveaux non-citoyens du monde », Possibles, vol. 32, no 3-4, p.41-51.
PICHÉ, Victor. 2009. “Migrations internationales et droits de la personne : vers un nouveau paradigme?”, in Crépeau, François. Nakache, Delphine et Atak, Idil (eds), Les migrations internationales contemporaines. Une dynamique complexe au cœur de la globalisation, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, p.350-369.
PICHÉ, Victor, Eugénie PELLETIER & Dina EPALE. 2009. “Obstacles to ratification of the ICRMW in Canada”, dans De Guchteneire, Paul, Pecoud, Anbtoine & Cholewinski, Ryszard, (eds). Migration and Human Rights: The United Convention on Migrant Workers’ Rights, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 8.
- Status
- Links
http://oppenheimer.mcgill.ca/Victor-Piche?lang=en (http://oppenheimer.mcgill.ca/Victor-Piche?lang=en)
- Economic sectors
Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers, and Other
- Content types
Policy analysis
- Target groups
Policymakers, Public awareness, Researchers, and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks
- Regulation domains
Right to change employer, Right to choose place of residence, Right to unionize, Labour standards, Health and safety at work, Newcomers integration programs, Health care & social services, Access to permanent status, Free employment services, Family reunification, Legal aid, Employment insurance, Social security, Remittances and co-development programs, Trips abroad and re-entries, Recrutement / placement agencies, Housing standards, Migration expenses reimbursement mechanisms, Impartial hearing before deportation, Status regularization procedures, Determination fair wages and labour shortage, (Im)migrant workers selection criteria, Right to equality (gender), Right to equality (national origin), Right to equality (social status), Right to liberty, Right to dignity, and Right to privacy
- Geographical focuses
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Africa - Subsaharian, Federal, South Africa, and Nova Scotia
- Spheres of activity
Law, Political science, and Sociology
- Languages
French, English, and Spanish