- Date and time
2013.11.10 to 2014.01.31, all-day
- Description
Dear Participant in the 2013 Peoples' Global Action:
I am writing to invite you to participate in a brief survey to assess your
organization's interest in helping to form a Global Recruitment Reform
Coalition. The formation of this Coalition arises out of a PGA workshop
entitled Global Labour Recruitment Reform, hosted by the International Labor
Recruitment Working Group on Thursday,
October 3, 2013. During that workshop, attendees discussed principles that
should guide recruitment reform on a global level, shared models and
strategies they are using to reform recruitment, and decided to survey
organizations working on recruitment in order to inform future collaboration.We are sending you this e-mail to assess your interest in participating in a
Global Recruitment Reform Coalition. If you are not interested, please reply
stating so. If you are interested, please click
and fill out the brief survey about your organization, the scope of your
work, your recruitment-related engagement, and any relevant coalitions. The
survey should take 5-10 minutes. Your responses will not be submitted until
you click "submit" at the end of the survey.Thank you very much.
*Elizabeth Mauldin*, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc., and
International Labor Recruitment Working Group
*Karl Flecker*, Canadian Labour Congress
*Shannon Lederer*, American Federation of Teachers, Education International
and Public Services International*******************************************
BACKGROUND: This survey arises out of a workshop at the Peoples’ Global Action on Migration, Development, and Human Rights, which occurred on October 3, 2013 alongside the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in New York.
The purpose of this survey is to assess the reach of global allies working to strengthen protections for internationally recruited workers. The results of this survey will be used to build a global coalition to reform recruitment.Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you have questions, please write to Elizabeth Mauldin at Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc (CDM), elizabeth@cdmigrante.org.
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General relevance - all sectors
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Support initiatives
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Unions and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks
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